Demo : MConnects This program is designed to testing multiple 7188E with one program. After users check the "IP:" checkbox, the related connection will be created, and then uses a Timer object(named "tmCOM2") to trigger the Winsock control(named "wsCOM2") to send "#01" to 7188E's COM2. (The interval of the tmCOM2 can be changed on the bottom of the screen: "Interval of 7188e(ms)".) The program uses another Timer object(named "tmTout") to be the timeout counter. (The interval of tmTout can be changed on the bottom of the screen: "Timeout(ms)". ) Then, the program waiting for the responses of the 7188E. And checks the responsed data if leading with ">" char. If any error occured, the error message append into the listbox with red color. Note : The "C>" stand for "Output from Client" (this program), while the "S>" stand for "Output from Server"(7188E).