1.Installation To install I-7188 files to your PC ( for example to the sub-directory c:\7188dos) a. md c:\7188dos b. xcopy . c:\7188dos\*.* /s /v install.bat will do these steps for you. in directory 7188dos you will have: C: sub-directory for c demo program. QB: sub-directory for QB demo program. DISK: sub-directory contain the files in I-7188's ROM-DISK(A:) 7188UTIL: sub-directory contain some utilities for I-7188 PASCAL: sub-directory for TURBO PASCAL. README.TXT --> this file. ROM-DISK.IMG --> image file of ROM-DISK to download to I-7188. 7188.EXE --> utility for I-7188 to download program to I-7188 INSTALL.BAT 7188D.EXE --> old version of 7188.exe ROMDISK.EXE --> utility to make ROM-DISK.IMG RDUSER.DOC --> ROM-DOS user manual(a MS WORD file) 7188faq.txt 2.New library function please reference to c:\7188dos\c\lib\newlib.doc this is a text file(not a MS word format file) 3. LD3.EXE is for download PC's EXE file into 7188's RAM-DISK (B:). This file can be omitted.(PS. LOADRAM2.EXE is update to LD3.EXE) 4. The size of RAM-DISK is 64K, user can change CONFIG.SYS to change this size. 5. Refer to "7188 ROM-DOS Software User Manual" for more information. 6. TOROM.EXE can download ROM-DISK.IMG to Flash ROM.(This is another way to download ROM-DISK)(ref. "7188 ROM-DOS Software User Manual" page 16) 7. RESET.COM use to reset 7188.(so you need not to POWER OFF and POWER ON) 8. B1152.COM use to set 7188 COM4's baud rate to 115200. 9. B576.COM use to set 7188 COM4's baud rate to 57600. 10.7188.EXE update to Ver.1.04(10/22/98) 11.Change Download (ROM-DISK.IMG) method by short INIT* to GND(bios date is 09/30/1998 or latter), new method is: (1)RUN 7188.exe(ver. 1.02 or latter) on PC. (2)short INIT* of 7188 hardware to GND,then POWER ON if it is power off or RUN RESET.COM if it is already power on. (3)press ALT_M to begin download process. (4)After finish download,7188 hardware will auto reset. (if bios date is 09/30/1998 or latter). (10/22/98) 12.init485.com use to set COM1 & COM2 's 485 to receive mode. (when power on both 485 is set on transmition mode,so if user link two 7188's COM2 together and link with 7000s,before both 7188 run program with function InstallCom(2,...) the 7000s will not echo any message. add init485 at autoexec.bat will solve this program.) (10/27/98)new bios,date:10/27/98 13.New minibios has solve the COM1 & COM2's 485 problem. So if bios date is 10/27/98 or latter need not run init485.com. (11/05/98)new bios,date:11/05/98 14.Fixed program:If LED is ON,then set system Data or Time will let LED OFF. (11/19/98) 15.Flash 512K is avaiable. torom.exe update to Ver.1.02 7188s.lib and 7188l.lib update function :FlashErase,FlashWrite (11/23/98) 16.7188.exe update to Ver.1.05 (11/25/98)new bios,date:11/25/98 (for 256K) 17.After boot,LED will auto light,need not run ledon.com. 18.Change boot msg "ABCDEHIJKLM" to "7188(D)/DOS" (12/07/98) 19.Add echo485.exe to ROM-DISK for configure and test 7000's. and remove demo0.exe from ROM-DISK (12/30/1998) 20.7188.EXE update to Ver.1.06 (a)In COM1 & COM2 two windows mode Add functions: ALT_1: move cursor to COM1 window ALT_2: move cursor to COM2 window ALT_C: set current COM window 's protocal(baudrate,parity,data bit,stop bit) ALT_M: Use init* to download ROM-DISK.IMG ALT_R,ALT_P: Use torom.exe to download ROM-DISK.IMG (ALT_P on COM2 window has some problem)--> OK(01/04/1999) (b)BugFix: ALT_S,F3: and F3: work with LD3.exe to download program to RAMDISK B: (c)Update Help screen. 21.New bios date: 12/30/1998,need not run init485.com on autoexec.bat P.S. only when use more than 1 I-7188,and connect their RS-485 togeter, need run the init485.com . If bios date is not 12/30/98 or 11/05/98, and connect COM2(or COM1) to 485 bus,and do not run any program or that program do not call InstallCom(2,...) ,the 485 bus will has problem. If the system has only one I-7188 and other 7000's will has no problem. (01/27/1999) 22. I-7188 library update to ver. 1.08 Add new timer function. TimerOpen,TimerClose,TimerReadValue,TimerResetValue, WatchDogReset,WatchDogStart,WatchDogStop,WatchDogPause,WatchDogContinue, CountDownTimerStart,CountDownTimerReadValue, InstallUserTimer,InstallUSerTimer1C,DelayMs. demo program: demo90-demo97 23. combine two sub-directory TC and MSC to C ,with each demo program has gotc.bat (batch file for compiler with TC 2.0) and gomsc.bat (batch file for compiler with MSC 6.0) 24. NEW demo program for QBasic compiler.(test on qbasic 4.5) (02/02/1999) 25. Use ACE to compress demo programs. use: 7188dos [dirname] if not give dirname ,files will decompressed on current directory. if give dirname,will creat the directory,and decompress files into that directory. (02/20/1999) 26. Add demo program WATCHDOG.C, modify demo program DEMO9.C (03/05/1999) 27. Add a sub-dir 7188UTIL with files as follow: b2400.com Set COM4 baudrate to 2400 b4800.com Set COM4 baudrate to 4800 b9600.com Set COM4 baudrate to 9600 b19200.com Set COM4 baudrate to 19200 b38400.com Set COM4 baudrate to 38400 b57600.com Set COM4 baudrate to 57600 b115200.com Set COM4 baudrate to 115200 ledon.com Set LET ON ledoff.com Set LED OFF init485.com Set COM1/COM2 485 to receive mode reset.com Reset I-7188 28. Modify ld3.exe and torom.exe to be used with current baudrate (2400-115200) (03/12/1999) 29. Release Ver 1.10 New on NAPDOS14 Ver.1.11 (04/07/1999) 30. (a)7188.exe update to Ver.1.10 Add new Hotkeys, ALT_I:Auto download ROM-DISK.IMG F2: Set filename to be auto download F5: RUN the setted file F8: Auto Download and RUN the setted file F9: Auto download the setted file (b)InstallCom() for COM1/COM2 add MARK and SPACE Parity. and fix error on Odd parity. (04/20/1999) 31. Add demo8.c to \C\DEMO8\ for I-7188 to dial phone or answer phone. (04/21/1999) 32. 7188.exe update to Vew.1.10.1 Add new Hotkey F6: set the parameter of the program to be autorun for example: press F2 set program to "qc2.exe" then press F6 set parameter to "4" then press F8 will auto download qc2.exe and run "qc2.exe 4". New on NAPDOS14 Ver.1.12 (05/19/1999) 33. Update ld3.exe(ver 1.01),torom.exe(ver 1.04),echo485.exe(ver 1.01) (1)Reduce program size. (2)User can make 2 ROM-DISK. default is one romdisk(disk A),one ramdisk(disk B),so use LD3.exe to download pogram to disk B:,but if make two ROM-DISK,the ramdisk is changed to disk C:,so new version of ld3.exe support a option to download to disk C:. Use:"ld3 /c" will download to disk C TOROM.EXE is use to download ROM-DISK.IMG to I-7188,default is download the boot ROM-DISK(disk A),the start address is on segment 0xC000 for 256K flash or 0x8000 for 512K flash. Now if user want to download the 2nd ROM-DISK,please "torom /n" where n can be 8 -->download to segment 0x8000(512K only) 9 -->download to segment 0x9000(512K only) a or A -->download to segment 0xA000(512K only) b or B -->download to segment 0xB000(512K only) c or C -->download to segment 0xC000 d or D -->download to segment 0xD000 e or E -->download to segment 0xE000 if just run "torom" wihtout parameter,it works as previous version (3)If user want to delete the second ROM-DISK,just erase the Flash memory. if user download the 2nd ROM-DISK to 0xD000,and now want to delete it, please load flash.exe(can be found on C\FLASH)and run it,then set segment to 0xD000(use command "s d000"),then use command "erase" to erase it. now if reset I-7188, the 2nd ROM-DISK will disappear. (4)I-7188 must be reset to recognize the new (or the updated) ROM-DISK. (5)If use 2 ROM-DISK,and use old version of ld3.exe to download program to RAM-DISK, the system will DOWN, please reset it,and make a new ROM-DISK.IMG contain the new version ld3.exe on it, and download it to I-7188,then reset to use the new version ld3.exe (6)User can download more than 2 ROM-DISK.IMG to I-7188,but ROM-DOS just search for the first two to use. 34. Update 7188s(l).lib to version 1.11(GetLibVersion() will return 0x010B) 35. Add MMICON demo program(on C\MMICON),use MMICON as a terminal. 36. Add C\DEMO21 for connect to FaCon PLC 37. update C\DEMO8\uart7.c,add information about write a COM2 ISR. (06/15/1999) 38. Update 7188s(l).lib bug fixed when use COM3/4 in data format as E,7,1 or O,7,1 add one data format(N,7,1) for COM3/4 39. 7188.exe (bug fixed) use ALT_C to set data format,when parity is not NONE,and use CTRL_F2 change to monitor two com ports. (Version 1.13) (06/28/1999) 40. Add one function to ECHO485.EXE press CTRL_S to search 7000's modules. (use current baudrate & checksum setting) (Version 1.14) (07/08/1999) 41. Add demo18(run on 7188) & test18(run on PC) for COM1(RS-232) connect to 7520+4*7052 COM3(RS-232) connect to 7520+4*7067 COM4(RS-232) connect to 7520+4*7042 (07/23/1999) [1] Add 7000TOT for test 7000 module's timeout count test. [07/28/1999] 1.modify demo30.C. (a)Add use timer function for LED on/off & send value to Touch-200 (b)Bug fixed: addr=szCmd1[1]+szCmd1[2]*256; (original is *16) (08/04/1999) [1] Add printf for demo functions printCom(1/2/3/4). (08/06/1999) Add demo program for MODBUS protocal. [1] MODBUS\MASTER for master mode [2] MODBUS\SLAVE for slave mode (08/23/1999) [1] fixed one bug on ECHOCOM.C (for change baudrate) (08/30/1999) [1] Add demo program Use485 for use duplex RS-485 bus & the function IsBufEmpty2(). (09/02/1999) [1] Add demo program RTSDTR for control the output pins RTS & DTR of COM1 [2] Finish New Hardware/Software User's Manual.(Ver. 1.1) 7188hw11.pdf & 7188sw11.pdf [09/07/1999] 1. Remove 7188.h from all the sub-directory of demo program. So 7188.h only has one copy on the directory 7188dos\C\LIB If the demo program has #include"7188.h" change to #include"..\lib\7188.h" 2. Add .prj file(used for TC++ or BC++) to all demo program. [09/16/1999] 1. Fix some bugs for use MSC.(call LedOn or LedOff will change the setting of COM1/2) [10/05/1999] 1. New bios[10/05/99]. Fix bug for using "INIT* connect to GND" to download ROM-DISK.IMG when the image file is too big, the ROM-DOS area will be over-write, so 7188 cannot boot again.(Use TOROM.EXE without this problem) [10/07/1999] 1. Add file:7188FAQ.TXT [10/13/1999] 1. 7188.exe update to Ver.1.10.3 Add: use baudrate=300 or 600 [10/18/1999] 1. Add some demo program for QuickBASIC [12/31/1999] 1. 7188.exe update to Ver.1.11.0 Add: ALT_E to work with LOAD.EXE to download file. 2. Add LOAD.C on C\LOAD\ use to download file to 7188(RAM-DISK). use CRC-16 to check the transfered data block. 7188.exe will send file information to load.exe, so only need keyin filename once.(ld3.exe need twice) And the file date & time will set to the same as on PC. {Ver. 1.15} release **************************************************************************** The newest version of I-7188 utility & Demo program is on the web site: WWW.ICPDAS.COM download -->I-7000 series module --> 7188 embedded controller ****************************************************************************