3.27 FlashReadId * Description: Read Flash memory device code(high byte) and manufacture code(low byte). * Syntax int FlashReadId(void); * Input Parameter: void * Return Value: 256K type --> 0xB001 (AMD 29f002) 512K type --> 0xA401 (AMD 29f040) (update 11/18/98) * Demo program: demo9.c 3.28 FlashWrite * Description: Write one byte data to Flash memory. * Syntax int FlashWrite(unsigned int seg, unsigned int offset, char data); * Input Parameter: (update 11/18/98) seg: -->0xC000 0r 0xD000 0r 0xE000 (** In 512K version,seg:0x8000-0xE000) offset: 0-0xffff data: data to write Segment 0xC000(0x8000 for 512K) is used by ROM-DISK,so generally seg=0xD000(0x9000 for 512K) to 0xE000(if these segments are not used by ROM-DISK.) When write to Flash ROM,data bit only can be changed from 1 to 0. So if data in that position is 0xff ,you can write any data to it. But if data in that position is 0x01,you can only write 0x00 to it. FlashWrite do not check it,and just write it.When you want change data from 0 to 1,you will get TimeoutError.After call FlashErase you can write any data to it again. * Return Value: on success return NoError else return TimeOut * Demo program: demo9.c 3.29 FlashErase * Description: Erase one sector(64K bytes) of Flash ROM to 0xFF * Syntax int FlashErase(unsigned int seg); * Input Parameter: (update 11/18/98) seg: -->0xC000 0r 0xD000 0r 0xE000 (** In 512K version,seg:0x8000-0xE000) only when that sector is not used by ROM-DISK.IMG seg=0xC000(0x8000 for 256K) only when you want to download new ROM-DISK.IMG (used in torom.c) * Return Value: on success return NoError on fail return TimeOut * Demo program: demo9.c 3.30 Delay * Description: Delay ms,use system internal timer to implement the delay function. * Syntax void Delay(unsigned ms); * Input Parameter: ms: time to delay unit:ms * Return Value: none * Demo program: none 3.31 Delay_1 * Description: Delay 0.1ms,use system internal timer to implement the delay function. * Syntax void Delay_1(unsigned ms); * Input Parameter: ms: time to delay, unit:0.1ms * Return Value: none * Demo program: none 3.32 Is7188 * Description: Check if program is run on 7188.For some program only can run on 7188 (for example:LD3.EXE,TOROM.EXE),or will make the PC system DOWN. So use Is7188() to check if the program is run on 7188. * Syntax int Is7188(void); * Input Parameter: none * Return Value: 0: not on 7188(when run on PC) none-zero:program is run on 7188, (new 11/19/98) if return value=256 --> FlashROM is 256K bytes (new 11/19/98) if return value=512 --> FlashROM is 512K bytes * Demo program: ld3.c,torom.c. 3.32 hex_to_ascii * Description: char array for converting hexdigit value 0,1,2,...,15 to '0','1','2',...'F' * Syntax extern char hex_to_ascii[16]; 3.33 ascii_to_hex * Description: convert '0','1','2',...'F'('f') to 0,1,2,...15 * Syntax int ascii_to_hex(char ascii); * Input Parameter: ascii:ascii '0','1','2',....'A'(or 'a'),'B'(or 'b'),...'F'(or 'f') * Return Value:0 - 15 * Demo program:demo12.c 3.34 SendCmdTo7000 * Description: Send command to 7000's direct from RS485 bus(COM2/COM1),or RS232 bus(COM1, COM3,COM4) connected to a RS232 to RS485 converter. * Syntax int SendCmdTo7000(int iPort, unsigned char *cCmd, int iChksum); * Input Parameter: iPort:1 for COM1,2 for COM2,3 for COM3,4 for COM4. iChksum:0:for checksum OFF,1:for checksum ON. cCmd :the command to send out.if iChksum=1,SendCmdTo7000 auto append 2 bytes checksum after it,and send a 0x0d(13) as command terminator. * Return Value: On success return NoError. On fail,return PortError:if iPort>=5 or iPort<=0 * Demo program:demo11.c,demo12.c 3.35 ReceiveResponseFrom7000 * Description: After use function "SendCmdTo7000" send command to 7000's,use this function to Receive Response message From 7000's. * Syntax int ReceiveResponseFrom7000(int iPort,unsigned char *cCmd,long lTimeout,int iChksum); * Input Parameter: iPort:1 for COM1,2 for COM2,3 for COM3,4 for COM4. iChksum:0:for checksum OFF,1:for checksum ON. cCmd :the pointer to store the messages received from COM port. if iChksum=1,this function will auto check the checksum,and truncate the checksum(if iChksum=1)and the command terminator(0x0d,or 13). * Return Value: On success return NoError. On fail,return PortError,if iPort>=5 or iPort<=0 return TimeOut,if timeout occurs. return CheckSumError,whem iChksum=1 and the checksum has error. * Demo program:demo12.c,demo11.c 3.36 _MK_FP * Description: Make a far pointer form it's segment and offset. TC or BC++ has a macro MK_FP,but MSC hasn't,if use MSC,can use _MK_FP to get a far pointer to the memory location you want to access(such as Flashrom area, bios data area). * Syntax void far *_MK_FP(unsigned segment,unsigned offset); * Input Parameter: segment:the segment for the far pointer. offset: the offset for the far pointer. * Return Value: The far pointer. * Demo program:torom.c 3.37 IsResetByWatchDogTimer * Description: When user use Watchdog Timer(call EnableWDT()),can call this function in the beginning of program to determine if system was reset by watchdog timer or not. * Syntax int IsResetByWatchDogTimer(void); * Input Parameter: None. * Return Value: 0:if system was not reset by watchdog timer since last time call this function. 1:if system was reset by watchdog timer since last time call this function. * Demo program:wdt.c [12/15/98] 3.38 Show5DigitLedWithDot * Description: Show a character(digit) on a position of 5-Digit Led with the dot ON. * Syntax int Show5DigitLedWithDot(int pos, int data); * Input Parameter: pos:1 to 5 data: 0 to * Return Value: if pos<1 or pos >5 will return PosError if data<0 or data >18 will reruen DataError Others return NoError. * Demo program:none 3.39 Set5DigitLedTestMode * Description: When cgange to test mode,5 Digit Led's segments will all light(show, but the data last time set on it will be keep,so when return to normal mode, 5 Digit Led will show the character last time set on it. * Syntax void Set5DigitLedTestMode(int mode); * Input Parameter: mode=0 back top normal mode ,mode=1 set to test mode. * Return Value:None * Demo program:None 3.40 Set5DigitLedIntensity * Description: Set5DigitLedIntensity can set the LED intensity.Default value=7. 0 is the minimum intensity,and 15 is the maximum intensity. * Syntax void Set5DigitLedIntensity(int mode); * Input Parameter: mode: 0 to 15.Init5Digitled set intensity to 7. * Return Value:none * Demo program:none 3.41 Disable5DigitLed * Description: When call Disable5DigitLed,5-Digit Led will be disable(all segment will be dark), and Show5DigitLed will not show any character on it until call Enable5DigitLed . * Syntax void Disable5DigitLed(void); * Input Parameter:none. * Return Value:none. * Demo program:none. 3.42 Enable5DigitLed * Description: Enable 5-Digit Led,so Show5Digitled can set the character to show on 5-Digit Led. Default mode is enable,so only after user call Disable5DigitLed ,or user will need not to call Enable5DigitLed. * Syntax void Enable5DigitLed(void); * Input Parameter: None * Return Value: None * Demo program: None 3.43 GetLibVersion * Description: Get the 7188 library version number. * Syntax unsigned GetLibVersion(void); * Input Parameter: None. * Return Value: high byte return the major version number low byte return the sub version number. for example: version 1.07 will return 0x0107 * Demo program: None. 3.43 getch4 * Description: getch4 use interrupt 0x16 to get a key input(In I-7188 the input key is come from COM4).After user call InstallCom(4,...),getch4 will not work until user call restoreCom(4). * Syntax int getch4(void); * Input Parameter: None. * Return Value: The key value. * Demo program: None. 3.45 kbhit4 * Description: kbhit4 use interrupt 0x16 to check if any key input in the keyboard buffer. This function is similer to kbhit,but kbhit spend more time than kbhit4. After user call InstallCom(4,...),kbhit4 will not work until user call restoreCom(4). * Syntax int kbhit4(void); * Input Parameter: None. * Return Value: 0 : if there is not any key input on keyboard buffer. others : the return value is the key in the keyboard buffer,when next time call getch4 will get the value kbhit4 returned. * Demo program: None. 3.46 ungetch4 * Description: ungetch4 use interrupt 0x16 to put a key to keyboard buffer. After call ungetch4, you can call getch4 to read the key value. * Syntax void ungetch4(int key); * Input Parameter: key:the key value to put back to keyboard buffer. * Return Value: None. * Demo program: None. /* 01/07/1999 Add Timer function */ 3.47 TimerOpen * Description: Start to use I-7188's timer function.After call OpenTimer,Timer,StopWatch and CountDownTimer will work. * Syntax int TimerOpen(void); * Input Parameter: None. * Return Value: On success return NoError. If Timer is already opend,return 1. * Demo program: demo90.c to demo96.c 3.48 TimerClose * Description: Stop to use I-7188's timer function. * Syntax int TimerClose(void); * Input Parameter: None. * Return Value: Always return NoError. * Demo program: demo90.c to demo906.c 3.49 TimerResetValue * Description: reset timer value. * Syntax void TimerResetValue(void); * Input Parameter: None. * Return Value: None. * Demo program: demo90.c 3.50 TimerReadValue * Description: * Syntax unsigned long TimerReadValue(void); * Input Parameter: * Return Value: None. * Demo program: demo90.c 3.51 DelayMs * Description: Delay a time interval,the time unit is ms. DelayMs is the same as Delay,if not call TimerOpen,DelayMs will call Delay.If TimerOpen is already called,DelayMs will use new timer system.We suggest user use DelayMs instead of Delay. * Syntax void DelayMs(unsigned t); * Input Parameter: t:the time want to delay. * Return Value: None. * Demo program: demo97.c 3.52 StopWatchReset * Description: Reset StopWatch time value to 0. * Syntax int StopWatchReset(int channel); * Input Parameter: channel may be 0 to 7,total has 8 StopWatch. * Return Value: on success return NoError. if channel error return ChannelError * Demo program: None. 3.53 StopWatchStart * Description: Set stopwatch timer start to count time(from 0,count up). * Syntax int StopWatchStart(int channel); * Input Parameter: channel may be 0 to 7,total has 8 StopWatch. * Return Value: on success return NoError. if channel error return ChannelError * Demo program: demo92.c. 3.54 StopWatchStop * Description: Set stopwatch timer stop to count time. * Syntax int StopWatchStop(int channel); * Input Parameter: channel may be 0 to 7,total has 8 StopWatch. * Return Value: on success return NoError. if channel error return ChannelError * Demo program: None. 3.55 StopWatchPause * Description: Pause the stopwatch. After StopWatchPause,call StopWatchContinue will let StopWatch to count time again(time value will not be reset). * Syntax int StopWatchPause(int channel); * Input Parameter: channel may be 0 to 7,total has 8 StopWatch. * Return Value: on success return NoError. if channel error return ChannelError * Demo program: None. 3.56 StopWatchContinue * Description: * Syntax int StopWatchContinue(int channel); * Input Parameter: channel may be 0 to 7,total has 8 StopWatch. * Return Value: on success return NoError. if channel error return ChannelError * Demo program: None. 3.57 StopWatchReadValue * Description: Read stopwatch's current time value. * Syntax int StopWatchReadValue(int channel,unsigned long *value); * Input Parameter: channel may be 0 to 7,total has 8 StopWatch. value is a unsigned long pointer to store the time value. * Return Value: on success return NoError. if channel error return ChannelError * Demo program: demo92.c 3.58 CountDownTimerStart * Description: Start to use CountDown timer. * Syntax int CountDownTimerStart(int channel,unsigned long count); * Input Parameter: channel may be 0 to 7,total has 8 CountDownTimer. count is the start value for the CountDownTimer to countdown. * Return Value: on success return NoError. if channel error return ChannelError * Demo program: demo91.c 3.59 CountDownTimerReadValue * Description: Read current CountDown timer's time value. * Syntax int CountDownTimerReadValue(int channel,unsigned long *value); * Input Parameter: channel may be 0 to 7,total has 8 CountDownTimer. value is a unsigned long pointer to store the time value. * Return Value: on success return NoError. if channel error return ChannelError * Demo program: demo91.c 3.60 InstallUserTimer * Description: Install user's timer function.After call TimerOpen the function will be called every 1 ms. * Syntax void InstallUserTimer(void (*fun)(void)); * Input Parameter: fun is a function pointer. * Return Value: None. * Demo program: demo95.c,demo96.c 3.61 InstallUserTimer1C * Description: Install user's timer function.After call TimerOpen the function will be called every 55 ms. * Syntax void InstallUserTimer1C(void (*fun)(void)); * Input Parameter: fun is a function pointer. * Return Value: None. * Demo program: None. [New for Ver 1.13] **** 07-23-1999 add 4 function for COM1 DTR,RTS output pins **** [ SetDtrActive ] * Description: Set COM1 /DTR pin to active mode(active low) * Syntax void SetDtrActive(void); * Input Parameter: None. * Return Value: None. * Demo program: None. [ SetDtrInactive ] * Description: Set COM1 /DTR pin to inactive mode(high) * Syntax void SetDtrInactive(void); * Input Parameter: None. * Return Value: None. * Demo program: None. [ SetRtsActive ] * Description: Set COM1 /RTS pin to active mode(active low) * Syntax void SetRtsActive(void); * Input Parameter: None. * Return Value: None. * Demo program: None. [ SetRtsInactive ] * Description: Set COM1 /RTS pin to inactive mode(high) * Syntax void SetRtsInactive(void); * Input Parameter: None. * Return Value: None. * Demo program: None. [New for Ver 1.14] **** 07/27/1999 add 5 function for COM1/2/3/4 output **** [ printCom ] * Description: printCom support a method like printf to output formated string to comport. * Syntax int printCom(int port,char *fmt,...); * Input Parameter: port: 1/2/3/4 for COM1/2/3/4 fmt: please reference to C library function printf. * Return Value: data number to print out. * Demo program: None. [ printCom1 ] * Description: printCom1 support a method like printf to output formated string to COM1. * Syntax int printCom1(char *fmt,...); * Input Parameter: fmt: please reference to C library function printf. * Return Value: data number to print out. * Demo program: None. [ printCom2 ] * Description: printCom2 support a method like printf to output formated string to COM2. * Syntax int printCom2(char *fmt,...); * Input Parameter: fmt: please reference to C library function printf. * Return Value: data number to print out. * Demo program: None. [ printCom3 ] * Description: printCom3 support a method like printf to output formated string to COM3. * Syntax int printCom3(char *fmt,...); * Input Parameter: fmt: please reference to C library function printf. * Return Value: data number to print out. * Demo program: None. [ printCom4 ] * Description: printCom4 support a method like printf to output formated string to COM4. * Syntax int printCom4(char *fmt,...); * Input Parameter: fmt: please reference to C library function printf. * Return Value: data number to print out. * Demo program: None. /* 08/06/1999 add 2 function for COM1 CTS,DSR input pins */ [ GetCtsStatus ] * Description: Get the status of CTS pin. only COM1 has this pin. * Syntax int GetCtsStatus(void); * Input Parameter: None. * Return Value: 0 if CTS is inactive. 1 if CTS is active. If short CTS pin to RTS pin, then set RTS to active and read the status of CTS will get 1(active mode). Set the RTS to inactive and read the status of CTS will get 0(inactive mode). * Demo program: None. [ GetDsrStatus ] * Description: Get the status of DSR pin. only COM1 has this pin. * Syntax int GetDsrStatus(void); * Input Parameter: None. * Return Value: 0 if DSR is inactive. 1 if DSR is active. * Demo program: None. [New for Ver 1.15] [08/25/1999] Add 5 function for COM1-4 [ IsTxBufEmpty ] * Description: use to check the output buffer of COM1/2/3/4 is empty or not. * Syntax: int IsTxBufEmpty(int port); int IsTxBufEmpty1(void); int IsTxBufEmpty2(void); int IsTxBufEmpty3(void); int IsTxBufEmpty4(void); * Input Parameter: port: 1/2/3/4 for COM1/2/3/4 * Return Value: 0 for Txbuf is NOT Empty. others for Txbuf is Empty. * Demo program: None. * Demo code: PrintCom3("Bye!\r\n"); while(!TsTxBufEmpty3()) ; // wait the message all send out RestoreCom3(); [10/12/1999] 1. COM1/2 support interrupt driver for output data. The output queue size is 256 bytes. 2. The ISR for COM1/2 can auto set the data direction of RS-485 bus. call SetCom1AutoDir()/SetCom2AutoDir() to enable this function, call ResetCom1AutoDir()/ResetCom2AutoDir() to disable this function. After InstallCom1/2() this function is disable. [ SetCom1AutoDir ] * Description: Enable COM1 RS-485 "auto set direction" mode. Only when COM1 is select to as an RS-485 need call this function. After call this function, user's program need not call Set485DirToTransmit(1) & WaitTransmitOver1() & Set485DirToRceive(1). ToCom1() & ISR for COM1 will AUTO call these function. * Syntax: void SetCom1AutoDir(void); * Input Parameter: None. * Return Value: None. * Demo program: C\new485\echo485.c [ ResetCom1AutoDir ] * Description: Disable COM1 RS-485 "auto set direction" mode. * Syntax: void ResetCom1AutoDir(void); * Input Parameter: None. * Return Value: None. * Demo program: None. [ SetCom2AutoDir ] * Description: Enable COM2 RS-485 "auto set direction" mode. Only when COM2 is select to as an RS-485 need call this function. After call this function, user's program need not call Set485DirToTransmit(2) & WaitTransmitOver(2) & Set485DirToRceive2(). ToCom2() & ISR for COM2 will AUTO call these function. * Syntax: void SetCom2AutoDir(void); * Input Parameter: None. * Return Value: None. * Demo program: C\new485\echo485.c [ ResetCom2AutoDir ] * Description: Disable COM2 RS-485 "auto set direction" mode. * Syntax: void ResetCom2AutoDir(void); * Input Parameter: None. * Return Value: None. * Demo program: None. [10/19/1999] Add 5 functions for set baudrate [ SetBaurate ] * Description: Use to change baudrate of comport. * Syntax: int SetBaudrate(int port,unsigned long baud); * Input Parameter: port: 1/2/3/4 for COM1/2/3/4 baud: baudrate, can be 2 to 115200, but generally the baudrate will be 300,600,1200,2400,4800,9600,19200,38400,57600,115200 * Return Value: On success return NoError else return BaudrateError,or PortError * Demo program: C\ECHOCOM\ECDOCOM.C [ SetBaurate1 ] * Description: Use to change baudrate of COM1. * Syntax: int SetBaudrate1(unsigned long baud); * Input Parameter: baud: baudrate, can be 2 to 115200, but generally the baudrate will be 300,600,1200,2400,4800,9600,19200,38400,57600,115200 * Return Value: On success return NoError else return BaudrateError * Demo program: C\ECHOCOM\ECDOCOM.C [ SetBaurate2 ] * Description: Use to change baudrate of COM2. * Syntax: int SetBaudrate2(unsigned long baud); * Input Parameter: baud: baudrate, can be 2 to 115200, but generally the baudrate will be 300,600,1200,2400,4800,9600,19200,38400,57600,115200 * Return Value: On success return NoError else return BaudrateError * Demo program: C\ECHOCOM\ECDOCOM.C [ SetBaurate3 ] * Description: Use to change baudrate of COM3. * Syntax: int SetBaudrate3(unsigned long baud); * Input Parameter: baud: baudrate, can be 2 to 115200, but generally the baudrate will be 300,600,1200,2400,4800,9600,19200,38400,57600,115200 * Return Value: On success return NoError else return BaudrateError * Demo program: C\ECHOCOM\ECDOCOM.C [ SetBaurate4 ] * Description: Use to change baudrate of COM4. * Syntax: int SetBaudrate4(unsigned long baud); * Input Parameter: baud: baudrate, can be 2 to 115200, but generally the baudrate will be 300,600,1200,2400,4800,9600,19200,38400,57600,115200 * Return Value: On success return NoError else return BaudrateError * Demo program: C\ECHOCOM\ECDOCOM.C [ 10/20/1999 ] (1) add 10 function for COM1/2/3/4 send/detect BREAK signal [ SendBreak ] * Description: Send a BREAK signal to comport * Syntax: int SendBreak(int port,unsigned timems); * Input Parameter: port: 1/2/3/4 for COM1/2/3/4 timems: time interval for the braek signal, unit is ms. * Return Value: if port is not between 1 to 4 will return PortError else return NoError * Demo program: none. [ SendBreak1 ] * Description: Send a BREAK signal to COM1 * Syntax: void SendBreak1(unsigned timems); * Input Parameter: timems: time interval for the braek signal, unit is ms. * Return Value: none. * Demo program: none. [ SendBreak2 ] * Description: Send a BREAK signal to COM2 * Syntax: void SendBreak2(unsigned timems); * Input Parameter: timems: time interval for the braek signal, unit is ms. * Return Value: none. * Demo program: none. [ SendBreak3 ] * Description: Send a BREAK signal to COM3 * Syntax: void SendBreak3(unsigned timems); * Input Parameter: timems: time interval for the braek signal, unit is ms. * Return Value: none. * Demo program: none. [ SendBreak4 ] * Description: Send a BREAK signal to COM4 * Syntax: void SendBreak4(unsigned timems); * Input Parameter: timems: time interval for the braek signal, unit is ms. * Return Value: none. * Demo program: none. [ IsDetectBreak ] * Description: Check if comport receive a break signal * Syntax: int IsDetectBreak(int port); * Input Parameter: port: 1/2/3/4 for COM1/2/3/4 * Return Value: if port is not between 1 to 4 will return PortError else return 0 for no break signal, 1 for break signal is detected. * Demo program: none. [ IsDetectBreak1 ] * Description: Check if COM1 receive a break signal * Syntax: int IsDetectBreak1(void); * Input Parameter: none. * Return Value: 0 for no break signal, 1 for break signal is detected. * Demo program: none. [ IsDetectBreak2 ] * Description: Check if COM2 receive a break signal * Syntax: int IsDetectBreak2(void); * Input Parameter: none. * Return Value: 0 for no break signal, 1 for break signal is detected. * Demo program: none. [ IsDetectBreak3 ] * Description: Check if COM3 receive a break signal * Syntax: int IsDetectBreak3(void); * Input Parameter: none. * Return Value: 0 for no break signal, 1 for break signal is detected. * Demo program: none. [ IsDetectBreak4 ] * Description: Check if COM4 receive a break signal * Syntax: int IsDetectBreak4(void); * Input Parameter: none. * Return Value: 0 for no break signal, 1 for break signal is detected. * Demo program: none. (2) Add 3 functions for clear COM1/2/3/4 output buffer [ ClearTxBuffer ] * Description: Clear the output buffer of comport * Syntax: int ClearTxBuffer(int port); * Input Parameter: port: 1/2/3/4 for COM1/2/3/4 * Return Value: if port is not between 1 to 4 will return PortError * Demo program: None. [ ClearTxBuffer1 ] * Description: Clear the output buffer of COM1 * Syntax: void ClearTxBuffer1(void); * Input Parameter: None. * Return Value: None. * Demo program: None. [ ClearTxBuffer2 ] * Description: Clear the output buffer of COM2 * Syntax: void ClearTxBuffer2(void); * Input Parameter: None. * Return Value: None. * Demo program: None. [ ClearTxBuffer3 ] * Description: Clear the output buffer of COM3 * Syntax: void ClearTxBuffer3(void); * Input Parameter: None. * Return Value: None. * Demo program: None. [ ClearTxBuffer4 ] * Description: Clear the output buffer of COM4 * Syntax: void ClearTxBuffer4(void); * Input Parameter: None. * Return Value: None. * Demo program: None. (3) Add 3 function for set COM1/2 FIFO trigger level, can be 1,4,8,14 [ SetFifoTriggerLevel ] * Description: COM1/2 use UART 16C550, has 16 bytes FIFO, the FIFO is enabled. This function can set the input FIFO trigger level. * Syntax: int SetFifoTriggerLevel(int port,int level); * Input Parameter: port: 1/2 for COM1/2 level: can be 1,4,8,14 * Return Value: * Demo program: None. [ SetCom1FifoTriggerLevel ] * Description: COM1 use UART 16C550, has 16 bytes FIFO, the FIFO is enabled. This function can set the input FIFO trigger level. * Syntax: int SetCom1FifoTriggerLevel(int level); * Input Parameter: level: can be 1,4,8,14 * Return Value: if level is not one of the value (1,4,8,14) will return TriggerLevelError else return NoError * Demo program: None. [ SetCom2FifoTriggerLevel ] * Description: COM2 use UART 16C550, has 16 bytes FIFO, the FIFO is enabled. This function can set the input FIFO trigger level. * Syntax: int SetCom2FifoTriggerLevel(int level); * Input Parameter: level: can be 1,4,8,14 * Return Value: if level is not one of the value (1,4,8,14) will return TriggerLevelError else return NoError * Demo program: None. [09/21/2000] begin.... Ver 1.16