#include #include #include #include "..\lib\7188.h" char disk='B'; int ScanCom4Str(char *str) { int count=0,quit=0; char data; while(!quit){ if(IsCom4()){ data=ReadCom4(); if(data=='\r') { quit=1; *str=0; ToCom4('\n'); ToCom4('\r'); } else if(data=='\b'){ if(count){ count--; str--; *str=0; ToCom4(data); } } else { *str++=data; count++; ToCom4(data); } } } return count; } void main(int argc,char *argv[]) { long baud=57600L; int i,j,port; FILE *stream; char filename[20],c1,c2,cc; char buf[256]; unsigned char checksum; unsigned count,error=0; int mode=0; int blockno=0,tmp; if(!Is7188()){ puts("\nLD3.EXE must run on I-7188"); return; } for(i=1;iend of transfer */ break; } else if(i!='S'){ /* 'S' --> start of block , if != 'S' --> error */ break; } /* read block size , count=blocksize-1 ,max blocksize=256 */ /* if blocksize < 256 --> the last block */ while (!IsCom4()) ; count=ReadCom4(); count&=0xff; count++; checksum=0; { tmp=count; Show5DigitLed(5,tmp%10); tmp/=10; Show5DigitLed(4,tmp%10); tmp/=10; Show5DigitLed(3,tmp%10); } for(j=0;j