7188 FAQ ascii text file PART (A) for 7188 utilities PART (B) For programming 7188 ********************************************************************* * PART (A) for 7188 utilities * ********************************************************************* P.S. The default operation is : (1)Run 7188.exe on PC(on pure DOS or DOS-BOX of Win9x/WinNT) (2)Connect COM1 or COM2 of PC to I-7188's COM4 (3)The baudrate and data format of RS-232 is set to 57600,N,8,1 [10/07/1999] Q1. How to download new ROM-DISK(ROM-DISK.IMG) to 7188 ? A1: method 1: Use torom.exe (0)change to the directory that the ROM-DISK.img is in it. (1)run 7188.exe on PC, and connect RS-232 to COM4 of 7188 (2)run torom.exe on 7188 (3)press ALT_R method 2: Use INIT* pin connect to GND (0)change to the directory that the ROM-DISK.img is in it. (1)run 7188.exe on PC, and connect RS-232 to COM4 of 7188 (2)POWER OFF 7188 & connect INIT* pin to GND, then power ON 7188 (3)After the 3 lines message is shown, just press ALT_M PS.ROM-DISK.IMG is the image file of the ROM-DISK. the size of ROM-DISK.IMG must (1)less then 192K bytes for download to 7188(/D)/DOS( flash ROM is 256K), or (2)less then 448K bytes for download to 7188(/D)/DOS/512(Flash is 512K) If the size of image file is too large, and user download it to 7188, maybe the 7188 cannot boot correct. This time, user must make a smaller ROM-DISK.IMG file, and use INIT* method to download it.(But if original user use INIT* method to download ROM-DIS.IMG, the ROM-DOS will be over-wirte and 7188 will cnnot find the ROM-DOS, must use EEPROM programmer to burn the ROM-DOS code to the Flash ROM.(If the BIOS date is 12/30/98 or before))(BIOS date is 10/05/99 or latter has fixed this problem) [10/08/1999] Q2. How to download the second ROM-DISK ? A2:(1)User must use romdisk.exe to make the image file. (2)Use "torom.exe /n" to download the image file. for 256K type n can be: 'd' or 'e' torom /d --> download the image file to segment 0xD000 torom /e --> download the image file to segment 0xE000 for 512K type n can be: '9','a','b','c','d','e' torom /9 --> download the image file to segment 0x9000 P.S. when use two romdisk, the second ROM-DISK will be drive B:, if use ramdisk, the ramdisk will be drive C: the utility LD3.EXE default download file to drive B: so, must use "ld3 /c" to download file to drive C: [10/20/1999] Q3. How to download a program to the RAM-DISK(DISK B:)? A3. Method 1: (1)change directory to where contain the file want to be download. (2)run 7188.exe (3)enter command "ld3"+CR (4)enter the filename (5)press ALT_S (6)enter the filename again (7)wait the download process complete. Method 2: (1)change directory to where contain the file want to be download. (2)run 7188.exe (3)Press F2 (4)enter the filename (5)Press F9 & wait the download process complete. (if press F8 will download the file and run the file.) Q4. If there are two ROM-DISK, and the ram-disk is DIS C:, how to download a file to the RAM-DISK(DISK C:)? A4. Use A3 method 1, but on step(3) use command "ld3 /c". ****************************************************************** * PART (B) For programming 7188 * ****************************************************************** [10/07/1999] Q1. How to send a BREAK sognal from COM1/2 of 7188? #define LCR 3 int data; int port=0x200; // 0x200 for COM1, 0x100 for COM2 data=inp(port+LCR); outp(port+LCR,data|0x40); //set the Break control bit /* here must delay longer than RS-232 send one byte the time is depend on the baudrate of RS-232 for example when set 9600,N,8,1 one byte data contains 1 start+8 data+1 stop=10 bits need 1/960 sec. = 1.04ms so user can use Delay(2) to delay 2 ms.( or use Delay(1); + Delay_1(1); to delay 1.1ms) */ Delay(25); // delay 25ms outp(port+LCR,data & (~0x40)); // reset the Break control bit Q2. How to detect a BREAK signal? #define LSR int port=0x200; //0x200 for COM1, 0x100 for COM2 int data; data=inp(port+LSR); if(data & 0x10){ printf("Receive BREAK\n"); } and when COM1/2 receive a BREAK signal, COM1/2 will receive one byte data, that data=0. that is whem receive a BREAK signal, IsCom1() or IsCom(1) will return 1, and ReadCom1() or ReadCom(1) will return 0.