REM $INCLUDE: '' REM $INCLUDE: 'printf.bas' ChangeLine$ = CHR$(10) + CHR$(13) temp = InstallCom4(57600, 8, 0, 1) temp = Is7188 IF temp = 0 THEN temp = print4(ChangeLine$ + "The program must run on I-7188") END END IF temp = print4(ChangeLine$ + "Please don't press any key") temp = TimerOpen temp = StopWatchStart(1) FOR i = 0 TO 10000 temp = Kbhit4 NEXT i temp = StopWatchReadValue(1, value&) temp = print4(ChangeLine$ + " Kbhit4() run 10000 times about " + STR$(value&) + "ms") temp = StopWatchStart(1) FOR i = 0 TO 10000 CALL LedOn CALL LedOff NEXT i temp = StopWatchReadValue(1, value&) temp = print4(ChangeLine$ + " LedOn() and LedOff() run 10000 times about " + STR$(value&) + "ms") temp = StopWatchStart(1) FOR i = 0 TO 10000 temp = ReadNVRAM(0) NEXT i temp = StopWatchReadValue(1, value&) temp = print4(ChangeLine$ + " ReadNVRAM(0) run 10000 times about " + STR$(value&) + "ms") temp = StopWatchStart(1) FOR i = 0 TO 10000 temp = WriteNVRAM(0, 100) NEXT i temp = StopWatchReadValue(1, value&) temp = print4(ChangeLine$ + " WriteNVRAM(0,100) run 10000 times about " + STR$(value&) + "ms") temp = StopWatchStart(1) FOR i = 0 TO 10000 temp = ReadEEP(0, 0) NEXT i temp = StopWatchReadValue(1, value&) temp = print4(ChangeLine$ + " ReadEEP(0,0) run 10000 times about " + STR$(value&) + "ms") CALL EnableEEP temp = StopWatchStart(1) FOR i = 0 TO 10000 temp = WriteEEP(0, 0, 0) NEXT i CALL ProtectEEP temp = StopWatchReadValue(1, value&) temp = print4(ChangeLine$ + " WriteEEP(0,0,0) run 10000 times about " + STR$(value&) + "ms") temp = StopWatchStart(1) FOR i = 0 TO 10000 temp = Show5DigitLed(5, 5) NEXT i temp = StopWatchReadValue(1, value&) temp = print4(ChangeLine$ + " ShowDigitLed(5,5) run 10000 times about " + STR$(value&) + "ms") temp = StopWatchStart(1) FOR i = 0 TO 10000 temp = FlashRead(&HD000, i) NEXT i temp = StopWatchReadValue(1, value&) temp = print4(ChangeLine$ + " FlashRead(&HD000,i) run 10000 times about " + STR$(value&) + "ms") temp = StopWatchStart(1) temp = FlashErase(&HD000) temp = StopWatchReadValue(1, value&) temp = print4(ChangeLine$ + " FlashErase(&HD000) run 1 times about " + STR$(value&) + "ms") temp = StopWatchStart(1) FOR i = 0 TO 10000 temp = FlashWrite(&HD000, i, &HAA) NEXT i temp = StopWatchReadValue(1, value&) temp = print4(ChangeLine$ + " FlashWrite(&HD000,i,&HAA) run 10000 times about " + STR$(value&) + "ms") a1: temp = IsCom4 IF temp <> 0 THEN temp = ReadCom4 ELSE GOTO a1 END IF temp = RestoreCom4 temp = TimerClose END