1.2.1 Functions for COM ports2. 7188(D)/DOS LIBRARY REFERENCE
1.2.2 Functions for LED
1.2.3 Functions for 5-Digit LED
1.2.4 Functions for data storage
1.2.5 Functions for WatchDog Timer
1.2.6 Functions for timer
1.2.7 Functions for stdio
1.2.8 MISC functions
2.1 InstallCom
2.2 InstallCom1
2.3 InstallCom2
2.4 InstallCom3
2.5 InstallCom4
2.6 RestoreCom
2.7 RestoreCom1
2.8 RestoreCom2
2.9 RestoreCom3
2.10 RestoreCom4
2.11 IsCom
2.12 IsCom1
2.13 IsCom2
2.14 IsCom3
2.15 IsCom4
2.16 ReadCom
2.17 ReadCom1
2.18 ReadCom2
2.19 ReadCom3
2.20 ReadCom4
2.21 ToCom
2.22 ToCom1
2.23 ToCom2
2.24 ToCom3
2.25 ToCom4
2.26 ToComBufn
2.27 ToCom1Bufn
2.28 ToCom2Bufn
2.29 ToCom3Bufn
2.30 ToCom4Bufn
2.31 ToComStr
2.32 ToCom1Str
2.33 ToCom2Str
2.34 ToCom3Str
2.35 ToCom4Str
2.36 ClearCom
2.37 ClearCom1
2.38 ClearCom2
2.39 ClearCom3
2.40 ClearCom4
2.41 WaitTransmitOver
2.42 WaitTransmitOver1
2.43 WaitTransmitOver2
2.44 WaitTransmitOver3
2.45 WaitTransmitOver4
2.46 Set485DirToTransmit
2.47 Set485DirToReceive
2.48 IsCom3OutBufEmpty
2.49 IsCom4OutBufEmpty
2.50 DataSizeInCom
2.51 DataSizeInCom1
2.52 DataSizeInCom2
2.53 DataSizeInCom3
2.54 DataSizeInCom4
2.55 SendCmdTo7000
2.56 ReceiveResponseFrom7000
2.57 LedOff
2.58 LedOn
2.59 Init5DigitLed
2.60 Show5DigitLed
2.61 Show5DigitLedWithDot
2.62 Show5DigitLedSeg
2.63 Set5DigitLedTestMode
2.64 Set5DigitLedIntensity
2.65 Disable5DigitLed
2.66 Enable5DigitLed
2.67 ReadNVRAM
2.68 WriteNVRAM
2.69 WriteEEP
2.70 ReadEEP
2.71 EnableEEP
2.72 ProtectEEP
2.73 FlashReadId
2.74 FlashWrite
2.75 FlashErase
2.76 FlashRead
2.77 EnableWDT
2.78 RefreshWDT
2.79 DisableWDT
2.80 IsResetByWatchDogTimer
2.81 IsResetByPowerOff
2.82 TimerOpen
2.83 TimerClose
2.84 TimerResetValue
2.85 TimerReadValue
2.86 StopWatchReset
2.87 StopWatchStart
2.88 StopWatchStop
2.89 StopWatchPause
2.90 StopWatchContinue
2.91 StopWatchReadValue
2.92 CountDownTimerStart
2.93 CountDownTimerReadValue
2.94 InstallUserTimer
2.95 InstallUserTimer1C
2.96 DelayTimeMs
2.97 DelayMs
2.98 Delay
2.99 Delay_1
2.100 getch4
2.101 kbhit4
2.102 ungetch4
2.103 putch4
2.104 InitLib
2.105 GetLibVersion
2.106 Is7188
2.107 ReadInitPin
2.108 hex_to_ascii
2.109 ascii_to_hex
2.110 _MK_FP
2.111 SetDtrActive
2.112 SetDtrInactive
2.113 SetRtsActive
2.114 SetRtsInactive
2.115 printCom
2.116 printCom1
2.117 printCom2
2.118 printCom3
2.119 printCom4
2.120 GetCtsStatus
2.121 GetDsrStatus
InstallCom | For any one of 4 comports |
InstallCom1 | For com1 |
InstallCom2 | For com2 |
InstallCom3 | For com3 |
InstallCom4 | For com4 |
RestoreCom | For any one of 4 comports |
RestoreCom1 | For com1 |
RestoreCom2 | For com2 |
RestoreCom3 | For com3 |
RestoreCom4 | For com4 |
IsCom | For any one of 4 comports |
IsCom1 | For com1 |
IsCom2 | For com2 |
IsCom3 | For com3 |
IsCom4 | For com4 |
ReadCom | For any one of 4 comports |
ReadCom1 | For com1 |
ReadCom2 | For com2 |
ReadCom3 | For com3 |
ReadCom4 | For com4 |
ToCom | For any one of 4 comports |
ToCom1 | For com1 |
ToCom2 | For com2 |
ToCom3 | For com3 |
ToCom4 | For com4 |
ToComBufn | For any one of 4 comports |
ToCom1Bufn | For com1 |
ToCom2Bufn | For com2 |
ToCom3Bufn | For com3 |
ToCom4Bufn | For com4 |
ToComStr | For any one of 4 comports |
ToCom1Str | For com1 |
ToCom2Str | For com2 |
ToCom3Str | For com3 |
ToCom4Str | For com4 |
ClearCom | For any one of 4 comports |
ClearCom1 | For com1 |
ClearCom2 | For com2 |
ClearCom3 | For com3 |
ClearCom4 | For com4 |
WaitTransmitOver | For any one of 4 comports |
WaitTransmitOver1 | For com1 |
WaitTransmitOver2 | For com2 |
WaitTransmitOver3 | For com3 |
WaitTransmitOver4 | For com4 |
Set485DirToTransmit | Set to transmit mode, For com1 & com2 |
Set485DirToReceive | Set to receive mode, For com1 & com2 |
IsCom3OutBufEmpty | For com 3 |
IsCom4OutBufEmpty | For com 4 |
DataSizeInCom | For any one of 4 comports |
DataSizeInCom1 | For com1 |
DataSizeInCom2 | For com2 |
DataSizeInCom3 | For com3 |
DataSizeInCom4 | For com4 |
SendCmdTo7000 | Send command to 7000's module |
ReceiveResponseFrom7000 | Receive response from 7000's module |
LedOff | Set LED Off |
LedOn | Set LED On |
Function name | description |
Init5DigitLed | Initialize 5-Digit Led |
Show5DigitLed | Show digit number(0-F) |
Show5DigitLedWithDot | Show digit number and the dot '.' |
Show5DigitLedSeg | Show any segment |
Set5DigitLedTestMode | Set to test mode, all segment will be turn ON |
Set5DigitLedIntensity | Set the intensity of 5-Digit LED |
Disable5DigitLed | Disable 5-Digit LED, all segment will be OFF |
Enable5DigitLed | Back to normal mode |
Function name | description |
ReadNVRAM | Read one byte data from NVRAM |
WriteNVRAM | Write one byte data to NVRAM |
Function name | description |
WriteEEP | Write one byte data to EEPROM |
ReadEEP | Read one byte data from EEPROM |
EnableEEP | Enable EEPROM, so it can be write |
ProtectEEP | Set EEPROM to write protect |
Function name | description |
FlashReadId | Read the Flash Memory type |
FlashWrite | Write one byte data to Flash Memory |
FlashErase | Erase one sector of flash memory |
FlashRead | Read one byte data from Flash Memory |
Function name | description |
EnableWDT | Enable WatchDog timer |
RefreshWDT | Refresh WatchDog timer |
DisableWDT | Disable WatchDog timer |
IsResetByWatchDogTimer | Check if 7188 is reset by WatchDog timer |
IsResetByPowerOff | Check if 7188 is reset by Power Off |
Function name | description |
TimerOpen | Install timer driver |
TimerClose | Uninstall timer driver |
TimerResetValue | Reset timer ticks to 0 |
TimerReadValue | Read timer ticks |
StopWatchReset | Reset stopwatch timer value to 0 |
StopWatchStart | Start stopwatch |
StopWatchStop | Stop stopwatch |
StopWatchPause | Pause stopwatch |
StopWatchContinue | Continue stopwatch |
StopWatchReadValue | Read the timer value of stopwatch |
CountDownTimerStart | Start countdown timer |
CountDownTimerReadValue | Read the timer value of countdown timer |
InstallUserTimer | Install user's timer function |
InstallUserTimer1C | Install user's timer function on INT 0x1C |
DelayTimeMs | Delay time, unit is 1ms(use software) |
DelayMs | Delay time, unit is 1ms(use hardware) |
Delay | Delay time, unit is 1ms(use hardware) |
Delay_1 | Delay time, unit is 0.1ms(use hardware) |
Function name | description |
getch4 | For instead of getch |
kbhit4 | For instaed of kbhit |
ungetch4 | For instead of ungetch |
putch4 | For instead of putchar |
Function name | description |
InitLib | Initial 7188 library |
GetLibVersion | Get version number of 7188 library |
Is7188 | Check if the program is run on 7188 |
ReadInitPin | Read the INIT* pin status |
hex_to_ascii[16] | Global variable,for convert 0-15 to '0'-'F' |
ascii_to_hex | For convert '0'-'F' to 0-15 |
_MK_FP | Make a far pointer |
Argument | What it does |
port | 1/2/3/4 for COM 1/2/3/4 |
baud | Baudrate, 1200,2400,.... 57600,115200 |
data | Data bits. 6 or 7 or 8(6 only for COM1/2) |
parity | Parity bit. 0=None, 1=EVEN, 2=ODD,3=MARK,4=SPACE(3,4 only for COM1/2) |
stop | Stop bit. 1= 1 stop-bit, 2=2 stop-bit(2 only for COM1/2) |
Argument | What it does |
baud | Baudrate, 1200,2400,.... 57600,115200 |
data | Data bits. 6 or 7 or 8 |
parity | Parity bit. 0=None, 1=EVEN, 2=ODD, 3=MARK, 4=SPACE |
stop | Stop bit. 1= 1 stop-bit, 2=2 stop-bit |
baud | Baudrate, 1200,2400,.... 57600,115200 |
data | Data bits. 6 or 7 or 8 |
parity | Parity bit. 0=None, 1=EVEN, 2=ODD, 3=MARK, 4=SPACE |
stop | Stop bit. 1= 1 stop-bit, 2=2 stop-bit |
Argument | What it does |
baud | Baudrate, 1200,2400,.... 57600,115200 |
data | Data bits. 7 or 8 |
parity | Parity bit. 0=None, 1=EVEN, 2=ODD |
Argument | descriptions |
baud | Baudrate, 1200,2400,.... 57600,115200 |
data | Data bits. 7 or 8 |
parity | Parity bit. 0=None, 1=EVEN, 2=ODD |
Argument | descriptions |
port | 1/2/3/4 for COM 1/2/3/4 |
Argument | Descriptions |
port | 1/2/3/4 for COM 1/2/3/4 |
Argument | Descriptions |
port | 1/2/3/4 for COM 1/2/3/4 |
Argument | Descriptions |
port | 1/2/3/4 for COM 1/2/3/4 |
data | 8-bit character to transmit |
Argument | Descriptions |
data | 8-bit character to transmit |
Argument | Descriptions |
data | 8-bit character to transmit |
Argument | Descriptions |
data | 8-bit character to transmitnone. |
Argument | Descriptions |
data | 8-bit character to transmit |
Argument | Descriptions |
port | 1/2/3/4 for COM 1/2/3/4 |
buf | Pointer point to where the data stored. |
no | The number of data to be sent. |
Argument | Descriptions |
buf | Pointer point to where the data stored.none. |
no | The number of data to be sent. |
Argument | Descriptions |
buf | Pointer point to where the data stored. |
no | The number of data to be sent. |
Argument | Descriptions |
buf | Pointer point to where the data stored. |
no | The number of data to be sent. |
Argument | Descriptions |
buf | Pointer point to where the data stored. |
no | The number of data to be sent. |
Argument | Descriptions |
port | 1/2/3/4 for COM 1/2/3/4none. |
str | Pointer point to where the data stored. |
Argument | Descriptions |
str | Pointer point to where the data stored. |
Argument | Descriptions |
str | Pointer point to where the data stored.none. |
Argument | Descriptions |
str | Pointer point to where the data stored. |
Argument | Descriptions |
str | Pointer point to where the data stored. |
Argument | Descriptions |
port | 1/2/3/4 for COM 1/2/3/4 |
Argument | Descriptions |
port | 1/2/3/4 for COM 1/2/3/4 |
Argument | Descriptions |
port | 1/2 for COM 1/2 |
Argument | Descriptions |
port | 1/2 for COM1/2none. |
Argument | What it does |
port | 1/2/3/4 for COM1/2/3/4 |
Argument | What it does |
port | 1 to 4 for COM1 to COM4 |
cCmd | The address of the command want to be send.The command need not end with the command terminator 0x0d, This function will auto send 0x0d out after send the command and check sum(if check sum is enable). |
iChksum | 0: check sum disable, 1: check sum enable. If check sum is set to enable, the function will add 2 bytes check sum after the command. |
Argument | What it does |
iPort | 1 to 4 for COM1 to COM4 |
cCmd | The address of buffer to save the received message. |
lTimeout | This function will check
the comport for receive message, if it check lTimeout times,
and do not get a response message(end with 0x0d), it will return TimeOut error. |
iChecksum | 0: check sum disable, 1: check sum enable. |
Argument | What it does |
pos | 1-5 for position 1-5(from left to right) |
value | 0 - 9 for show '0'-'9'
10 show 'A' 11 show 'b' 12 show 'c' 13 show 'd' 14 show 'E' 15 show 'F' 16 show ' '(blank or space) 17 show '-' 18 show '.'(dot) |
Argument | What it does |
pos | 1-5 for position 1-5(from left to right) |
value | 0 - 9 for show '0.'-'9.'
10 show 'A.' 11 show 'b.' 12 show 'c.' 13 show 'd.' 14 show 'E.' 15 show 'F.' 16 show ' .'(blank or space) 17 show '-.' 18 show '.'(dot) |
Argument | What it does |
pos | 1-5 for position 1-5(from left to right) |
value | ![]() |
Argument | What it does |
mode | 0: normal mode.
1: set to test mode. On test mode all the segment will light. |
Argument | What it does |
mode | 0-15. Whem call Init5DigitLed the intensity will set to 7. Mode=15 is the most bright, mode=0 is the most dark. |
Argument | What it does |
addr | 0 to 30. |
Argument | What it does |
addr | 0 to 30 |
data | 0 to 255(8-bit data) |
Argument | What it does |
block | 0 to 7(total 8 blocks) |
addr | 0 to 255(every block has 256 bytes). |
data | 0 to 255(8-bit data) |
Argument | What it does |
block | 0 to 7(total 8 blocks) |
addr | 0 to 255(every block has 256 bytes) |
Argument | What it does |
seg | seg can be 0xc000 or 0xd000 od 0xe000 for 256K type, and can be 0x8000 to 0xe000 for 512K type. |
offset | Range is 0 to 0xFFFF |
data | Range is 0 to 0xFF |
Argument | What it does |
seg | seg can be 0xc000 or 0xd000 od 0xe000 for 256K type, and can be 0x8000 to 0xe000 for 512K type. |
Argument | What it does |
seg | Segment of flash memory |
offset | Offset of flash memory |
Argument | What it does |
channel | The range is 0-7 |
Argument | What it does |
channel | The range is 0-7 |
Argument | What it does |
channel | The range is 0-7 |
Argument | What it does |
channel | The range is 0-7 |
Argument | What it does |
channel | The range is 0-7 |
Argument | What it does |
channel | The range is 0-7 |
value | A pointer to a unsigned long variable, to store the timer value. |
Argument | What it does |
channel | The range is 0-7 |
count | The start value of countdown timer |
Argument | What it does |
channel | The range is 0-7. |
value | A pointer to a unsigned long variable, to store the timer value. |
Argument | What it does |
fun | The function pointer of user timer function. |
Argument | What it does |
fun | The function pointer of user timer1C function. |
Argument | What it does |
time | The time interval want to delay, unit is 1 ms . |
Argument | What it does |
ms | The time interval want to delay, unit is 1 ms . |
Argument | What it does |
ms | The time interval want to delay, unit is 1 ms . |
Argument | What it does |
ms | The time interval want to delay, unit is 0.1 ms . |
Argument | What it does |
key | The key value want to putback to keyboard buffer. |
Argument | What it does |
data | The value want to send out from COM4 (only the low byte was send out) |
Argument | What it does |
ascii | Ascii can be '0'-'9' or 'A'-'F' or 'a'-'f' |
Argument | What it does |
segment | The segment of the far pointer |
offset | The offset of the far pointer |
Argument | What it does |
port | 1/2/3/4 for COM 1/2/3/4 |
format | The same as C function printf's format |
Argument | What it does |
format | The same as C function printf's format |
Argument | What it does |
format | The same as C function printf's format |
Argument | What it does |
format | The same as C function printf's format |
Argument | What it does |
format | The same as C function printf's format |