/* 1. Compiler: TC 2.0 2. Mode: Small 3. Project: Demo91.prj Demo91.c i7188s.lib 4. Explain: 1.Demonstration for use Timer functions. 2.To use CountDownTimer channel 0 for LED ON/OFF. 5. Hordware: 7188 It's compiled by Tony --------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include"..\LIB\i7188.h" /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ void main(void) { int LedMode=0; unsigned long value; int quit=0; unsigned Ver; if(!Is7188()){ /*detect the current operation system*/ Print("\ndemo91.exe must run on I-7188x with MiniOS7"); return; } Ver=GetLibVersion(); Print("\n\rLib version=%d.%02d",Ver>>8,Ver&0xff); Print("\n\rTest CountDownTimer..."); Print("\n\rNow LED must flash once every second"); Print("\n\rPress 'q' to quit\n\r"); TimerOpen(); LedOff(); CountDownTimerStart(0,500); /*to use the CountDownTimerStart function*/ while(!quit){ if(Kbhit()){ switch(Getch()){ case 'q': quit=1; break; } } CountDownTimerReadValue(0,&value); if(value==0){ CountDownTimerStart(0,500); if(LedMode){ LedMode=0; LedOff(); } else { LedMode=1; LedOn(); } } } TimerClose(); LedOn(); }