7521 : Demo program for 7521 as an Addressable RS-485 to RS-232 converter. DateTime : Get the system Date and Time eeprom: Multi Read and write EEPROM test file: Open File flash: All of the flash function led : LED function test reset: 7188 boot time test watchdog: demo program for I-7188 to test if I-7188 is reset by watchdog timer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- demo6: read-EEPROM & write-EEPROM test ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- demo32: Connect to Touch7(Touch 200) +7060+7013+7017+7021(DemoBox2) demo32-1: Demo program run on I-7188 with MiniOS7. For Trainning BOX II Using new driver to connect to Touch-200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- demo90: Demonstration for use Timer function used:TimerOpen,TimerClose,TimerReadValue,TimerResetValue. demo91: Demonstration for use Timer functions. use CountDownTimer channel 0 for LED ON/OFF demo92: Demonstration for use Timer functions. use StopWatch channel 0 for LED ON/OFF functions: TimerOpen,TimerClose,StopWatchStart,StopWatchReadValue. demo96: Demonstration for use Timer functions. use User timer function to do the same thing as demo94.c functions: TimerOpen,TimerClose,InstallUserTimer; demo97: Demonstration for use Timer functions. use DelayMs for LED ON/OFF demo98: use I-7188 timer function to send/receive data to/from 7000's modules. and set timeout in time unit ms. COM2: 9600,N,8,1 RS-485 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------