/* Seg7led.c : Controls the LED and 5-digit 7-segment LED. Compiler: BC++ 3.1, Turbo C++ 1.01(3.01) (free from http://cc.codegear.com/free/cpp) MSC 6.0, MSVC 1.52. Compile mode: Large Project: Seg7led.c ..\..\Lib\(8000e.Lib, 7188el.Lib or 7186el.Lib) Hardware: i-7188/uPAC-7186/i-8000 [Oct 30, 2008] by Liam */ #include #include "..\..\lib\7186e.h" void main(void) { int i, data; InitLib(); for(;;) { for(i=0; i<10; i++) { if(i==0 || i==2 || i==4 ||i==6 || i==8) LedOn(); //To switch the LED ON else LedOff(); //To switch the LED OFF //Show any segment of the 5-Digit Led Show5DigitLed(1, i); Show5DigitLed(2, i); Show5DigitLed(3, i); //Show any segment of the 5-Digit Led and also can show the DOT '.'. Show5DigitLedWithDot(4, 0xA); //Show the fourth led is 'A'. Show5DigitLedWithDot(5, 0xE); //Show the fifth led is 'E'. if(Kbhit()) { data=Getch(); if(data=='q' || data=='Q') { return; } } Delay(500); //Show the value of 7seg in every 500 ms. } } }