/* UDP10.C: UDP/IP socket demo By ICPDAS. Tim. Compiler: BC++ 3.1, Turbo C++ 1.01(3.01) (free from http://cc.codegear.com/free/cpp) MSC 6.0, MSVC 1.52. Compile mode: large Project: UDP10.c ..\..\lib\7186el.Lib ..\..\lib\tcp_dm32.lib Details: [RS-232]------[COM1/7186E]----[HUB]----[7186E/COM1]------[RS-232] (A) (B) (C) (D) (A): RS-232 device 1 (D): RS-232 device 2 (B): i-7188En/uPAC-7186EX, IP1( (C): i-7188En/uPAC-7186EX, IP2( on (B) run "udp10" on (C) run "udp10" both i-7188En/uPAC-7186EX will be a server & client. use UDP/IP port 10000. (1) i-7188En/uPAC-7186EX will Listen PORT 10000, after any connection come in, the input data from the socket will send to COM1 of 7186En. (2) i-7188En/uPAC-7186EX also will be a client, and connect to another i-7188En/uPAC-7186EX at the TCP port 10000. After connect to the remote i-7188En/uPAC-7186EX, any data come from COM1 will send to remote i-7188En/uPAC-7186EX by TCP packet. [Dec 14, 2001] 1. Read COM1 setting from EEPROM. P.S. using MiniOS7 Command : "setcom 1 [baud,data,parity,stop]" to set or display current setting value. 2. Add the variable "ShowDebugMsg" to disable(0) or enable(1) show debug message. 3. Add LED flash when connected to another server node. [Nov 04, 2008] by Liam [Aug,3,2011] by Nicholas */ #include #include #include #include #include "..\..\lib\7186e.h" #include "..\..\lib\Tcpip32.h" #define BUFSIZE 1500 /* read/write buffer size */ #define SERVICE 10000 /* define the service port for Server */ #define SOCKETS 32 /* define the maximum number of sockets */ #define QLEN SOCKETS-1 /* maximum connection queue length */ typedef struct COM_DATA { unsigned long baud; char databit; char parity; char stopbit; unsigned char sum; } *pCOM_DATA, COM_DATA; int QuitMain=0; int ShowDebugMsg=0; COM_DATA Com1Data; fd_set rfds; /* set of socket file descriptors for reading */ typedef struct socket_state { int active; /* socket is active */ struct sockaddr_in sin; /* client address */ } socket_state; socket_state sst[SOCKETS]; /* sockets state table */ STOPWATCH swLed; // clear, shutdown and close all sockets void killsockets(void) { int i; FD_ZERO(&rfds); /* clear FD set */ for(i=0; i1) { IpStr=argv[1]; } else { if(ShowDebugMsg) Print("please use : demo10 remote-IP-addr\r\n"); exit(1); } err=NetStart(); if(err<0) { if(ShowDebugMsg) Print("Init Ethernet error.\n\r"); return; } master=Nopen("*", "UDP/IP", 10000, 0, S_NOCON | S_NOWA); outskt=Nopen(IpStr, "UDP/IP", 0, 10000, S_NOCON | S_NOWA); if(master<0 || outskt<0) { Print("Can not open a connection for UDP/IP"); Nterm(); return ; } SOCKET_NOBLOCK(master); // Get the setting value of COM1 EE_MultiRead(0, 0, sizeof(COM_DATA), (char *) &Com1Data); { unsigned char sum=0; unsigned char *ptr=(unsigned char *) &Com1Data; int j; for(j=0; j<7; j++) sum+=*ptr++; if(sum!=Com1Data.sum) { // use the default setting [9600, N, 8, 1] Com1Data.baud=9600L, Com1Data.databit=8, Com1Data.parity=0, Com1Data.stopbit=1; } } if(ShowDebugMsg) { Print("Baud=%lu,data=%d,parity=%d\n\r",Com1Data.baud,Com1Data.databit,Com1Data.parity); DelayMs(100); } InstallCom1(Com1Data.baud, Com1Data.databit, Com1Data.parity, Com1Data.stopbit); T_StopWatchStart(&swLed); while(!QuitMain) { YIELD(); // must add this line in the while loop if(T_StopWatchGetTime(&swLed)>=500) { T_StopWatchStart(&swLed); LedToggle(); } // socket to COM len=Nread(master, InBuf, sizeof(InBuf)); if(len>0) { for(i=0; i