/* FTP Implementation [2010,03,05] by Kevin FTP Client FTP Server ---------------------------------------------------------------- Socket[0] === (Connect) ======================> Command Port(21) Socket[0] <== 220 Welcome ... ================= Command Port(21) Socket[0] === USER id ========================> Command Port(21) Socket[0] <== 331 Please specify the password = Command Port(21) Socket[0] === PASS password ==================> Command Port(21) Socket[0] <== 230 Login successfull =========== Command Port(21) Socket[0] === CWD remote path ================> Command Port(21) Socket[0] <== 250 Directory successfully changed. = Command Port(21) Socket[0] === TYPE I =========================> Command Port(21) Socket[0] <== 200 Switching to Binary mode. === Command Port(21) Socket[0] === PASV ===========================> Command Port(21) Socket[0] <== 227 Enter Passive Mode (ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,port1,port2) Command Port(21) Socket[1] === (Connect) ======================> Data Port(port1*256+port2) Socket[0] === STOR filename ==================> Command Port(21) Socket[0] <== 150 or 125 Ok to send data ============= Command Port(21) Socket[1] === (send data) ====================> Data Port(port1*256+port2) Socket[1] === (Close) ========================> Data Port(port1*256+port2) Socket[0] <== 226 File receive Ok ============= Command Port(21) Socket[0] === QUIT ===========================> Command Port(21) Socket[0] <== 221 Goodbye ===================== Command Port(21) Socket[0] === (Close) ========================> Command Port(21) Note: the implementation assumes that the format of all FTP responses are like xxx Message, where xxx is a number How to use ? Step1: Init the CPU: calls InitLib(); Step2: Init the Ethernet: calls Ethernet_Init(); //if the program begins from main, must call this. //if the program is based on the Xserver or MiniOS7 Framework, //then doesn't call the function. Step3: Connect to the FTP server: calls FTP_Connect(.....); Step4: Send the file: calls FTP_SendFile(....); in a loop. Example: void main(void) { int ret; InitLib(); Ethernet_Init(); pc_ertfs_init(); FTP_Connect("",21,"id","password",1000); do { //send "source.txt" from Disk A to the FTP server as "target.txt". ret=FTP_SendFile("/home/upload/","target.txt",0,"source.txt"); }while(ret==1) if(ret==0) { //Send file ok. } else { //Error. } } [Aug,3,2011] by Nicholas Add command 125 to send data */ #include "..\..\lib\7186E.h" #include "..\..\lib\TCPIP32.h" #include //Following 3 variables are defined in TCP/IP library. extern unsigned long ACKDELAY; extern int errno; extern long ET_TOUT; /* basic timeout value */ //For FTP function unsigned char gcFTP_IP_Address[16],gcFTP_ID[21],gcFTP_Password[21]; unsigned long glFTP_Connect_Timeout,glFTP_Send_TimeTick; unsigned long glRemnant_size; int giFTP_Socket=-1,giFTP_Data_Socket=-1,giSendFileOk; int giReady2SendFile=0; //for files in DiskA/B of MiniOS7 FILE_DATA far *gpFile_data; unsigned long glFilePosition; int giFileHandle; int TCP_Connect(unsigned char *cRemoteIP,unsigned int iRemoteTCPPort,long lConnect_Timeout) { //*cRemoteIP: example: "" //iRemoteTCPPort: 0~65535 //lConnect_Timeout: unit is 1 ms //Return: >=0 :ok, return socket number // -1 :error, can not connect to the FTP server int iSocketNumber,iRet; unsigned long lStartTimeTick; int iTemp; struct sockaddr_in sktRemoteServer; iSocketNumber=socket(PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0); if(iSocketNumber>=0) { YIELD(); memset(&sktRemoteServer, 0, sizeof(sktRemoteServer)); /* bzero is a unix system call */ sktRemoteServer.sin_family = AF_INET; sktRemoteServer.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(cRemoteIP); sktRemoteServer.sin_port = htons( iRemoteTCPPort ); YIELD(); SOCKET_NOBLOCK(iSocketNumber); /*Set Non-blocking mode*/ ET_TOUT=600L; //300ms, ET_TOUT has less than 800ms (WatchDog reboot time) iRet=connect(iSocketNumber, (struct sockaddr *)&sktRemoteServer, sizeof(sktRemoteServer)); if(iRet) /* unsuccessful connection not 0 */ { lStartTimeTick=GetTimeTicks(); if(errno==EINPROGRESS) { while((GetTimeTicks()-lStartTimeTick)=3 ms to make sure the following TCP/IP function works. if(iSocketNumber>=0) { /*#ifdef XSERVER SocketConnected++; #endif*/ return iSocketNumber; } else { RefreshWDT(); return -1; } } int TCP_Receive(int iSocket,char *cInBuf,int iMaxLen,int iTimeout) { int iLength; SOCKET_RXTOUT(iSocket, iTimeout); //set the receive timeout for a connection// iLength=recv(iSocket, cInBuf, iMaxLen, 0); //MSG_OOB SOCKET_BLOCK(iSocket); //Add 0 to the end of the received data. if(iLength>=0) cInBuf[iLength]=0; else cInBuf[0]=0; return iLength; } int FTP_Data_Close(void) { // close the socket of FTP data only. if(giFTP_Data_Socket>=0) { closesocket(giFTP_Data_Socket); giFTP_Data_Socket=-1; YIELD(); Delay(1); YIELD(); Delay(1); } return NoError; } int FTP_Close(void) { //close the sockets of FTP command and FTP data. if(giFTP_Socket>=0) { closesocket(giFTP_Socket); giFTP_Socket=-1; YIELD(); Delay(1); YIELD(); Delay(1); } if(giFTP_Data_Socket>=0) { closesocket(giFTP_Data_Socket); giFTP_Data_Socket=-1; YIELD(); Delay(1); YIELD(); Delay(1); } return NoError; } int FTP_Connect(unsigned char *cRemoteIP,unsigned int iRemoteTCPPort,char* cID, char* cPassword,long lConnect_Timeout) { /* *cRemoteIP: example: "" iRemoteTCPPort: 0~65535 *cID: example: "Admin", 20 bytes max. cPassword: example: "pass", 20 bytes max. lConnect_Timeout: unit is 1 ms Return: >=0 :ok, return socket number -1 :error, can not connect to the FTP server -2 :warning, in FTP processing. Doen't connect. Note: for anonymous login, *cID ="anonymous" or "ftp" *cPassword ="anonymous" or any string. */ int iRet; if(giFTP_Socket<0) { strcpy(gcFTP_IP_Address,cRemoteIP); strcpy(gcFTP_ID,cID); strcpy(gcFTP_Password,cPassword); glFTP_Connect_Timeout=lConnect_Timeout; giFTP_Socket=TCP_Connect(gcFTP_IP_Address,iRemoteTCPPort,glFTP_Connect_Timeout); giFTP_Data_Socket=-1; giSendFileOk=0; return giFTP_Socket; } else { return -2; } } int FTP_SendFile(char* remote_path,char* remote_filename,int local_disk, char* local_filename) { /* *path: location on the FTP site, example: "/pub/" *remote_filename: the file name on the FTP server. can be long file name. example: "test-abc-20100125.txt" local_disk: 0=diskA of MiniOS7 1=diskB of MiniOS7 2=diskA of 64 MB flash disk 3=diskB of 64 MB flash disk *local_filename: the file name on the local disk. must be 8.3 format. example: "test-abc.txt" return 0: send file ok. 1: in the process of sending the file. -1: Timeout -2: Send file to FTP server failed. -3: Due to another Ethernet communication reason. -4: FTP server not conneted. -5: Can not open file 530: Login incorrect. 550: Failed to change dircetory. */ char sCommand[40],sResponse[80],sData[1460]; int iReceive_Length; int iComma,i,iPort1,iPort2,iRet; int iSend_size; if(giFTP_Socket>=0) { //The time interval between two TCP/IP actions must >1 ms. if((GetTimeTicks()-glFTP_Send_TimeTick)> 1) { //Loop to send file. if(giFTP_Data_Socket>=0 && giReady2SendFile) { if(local_disk==0 || local_disk==1) { glFilePosition=gpFile_data->size-glRemnant_size; } if(glRemnant_size>1460) { iSend_size=1460; glRemnant_size-=1460; } else { iSend_size=glRemnant_size; glRemnant_size=0; } if(local_disk==0 || local_disk==1) { iRet=send(giFTP_Data_Socket,gpFile_data->addr+glFilePosition,iSend_size,0); //MSG_OOB if(iRet>=0) glFTP_Send_TimeTick=GetTimeTicks(); } if(glRemnant_size==0) { giReady2SendFile=0; FTP_Data_Close(); } } iReceive_Length=TCP_Receive(giFTP_Socket,sResponse,80-1,0); //wait for 0 ms is enough if(iReceive_Length>=0) { glFTP_Send_TimeTick=GetTimeTicks(); if(!memcmp(sResponse,"220",3)) //220 Welcome ... { sprintf(sCommand,"USER %s\r\n",gcFTP_ID); iRet= send(giFTP_Socket,sCommand,strlen(sCommand),0); //MSG_OOB } else if(!memcmp(sResponse,"331",3)) //331 Please specify the password { //The time to pass the identification is much longer than other commands. //SO, increase the timeout wheile waiting for passing identification. glFTP_Connect_Timeout+=3000; sprintf(sCommand,"PASS %s\r\n",gcFTP_Password); iRet= send(giFTP_Socket,sCommand,strlen(sCommand),0); //MSG_OOB } else if(!memcmp(sResponse,"230",3)) //230 Login successfull { glFTP_Connect_Timeout-=3000; sprintf(sCommand,"CWD %s\r\n",remote_path); iRet= send(giFTP_Socket,sCommand,strlen(sCommand),0); //MSG_OOB } else if(!memcmp(sResponse,"250",3)) //250 Directory successfully changed. { strcpy(sCommand,"TYPE I\r\n"); iRet= send(giFTP_Socket,sCommand,strlen(sCommand),0); //MSG_OOB } else if(!memcmp(sResponse,"200",3)) //200 Switching to Binary mode. { strcpy(sCommand,"PASV\r\n"); iRet= send(giFTP_Socket,sCommand,strlen(sCommand),0); //MSG_OOB } else if(!memcmp(sResponse,"227",3)) //227 Enter Passive Mode (ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,port1,port2) { iComma=0; for(i=0;i<80;i++) { if(sResponse[i]==',') iComma++; if(iComma>=4) break; } sscanf(sResponse+i+1,"%d,%d",&iPort1,&iPort2); if(giFTP_Data_Socket<0) { giFTP_Data_Socket=TCP_Connect(gcFTP_IP_Address,(iPort1<<8)+iPort2,glFTP_Connect_Timeout); } if(giFTP_Data_Socket>=0) { //Prepare to send file. if(local_disk==0 || local_disk==1) { gpFile_data=(FILE_DATA far *) GetFileInfoByName_AB(local_disk,local_filename); if(gpFile_data!=NULL) { glRemnant_size=gpFile_data->size; } else { FTP_Close(); return -5; //Can not open file } } sprintf(sCommand,"STOR %s\r\n",remote_filename); iRet= send(giFTP_Socket,sCommand,strlen(sCommand),0); //MSG_OOB } else { strcpy(sCommand,"QUIT\r\n"); iRet= send(giFTP_Socket,sCommand,strlen(sCommand),0); //MSG_OOB } } else if(!memcmp(sResponse,"150",3)|| !memcmp(sResponse,"125",3)) //150 or 125 Ok to send data { giReady2SendFile=1; } else if(!memcmp(sResponse,"226",3)) //226 File receive Ok { giSendFileOk=1; strcpy(sCommand,"QUIT\r\n"); iRet= send(giFTP_Socket,sCommand,strlen(sCommand),0); //MSG_OOB } else if(!memcmp(sResponse,"221",3)) //221 Goodbye { FTP_Close(); if(giSendFileOk) return NoError; //return NoErrorĄC else return -2; //Send file to FTP server failed. } else// if(!memcmp(sResponse,"530",3)) //530 Login incorrect { sscanf(sResponse,"%d",&iRet); FTP_Close(); return iRet; } return 1; //in the process of sending the file. } //Due to timeout. else if(errno==ETIMEDOUT) //Detect whether the error of recv is timeout. { if((GetTimeTicks()-glFTP_Send_TimeTick)>glFTP_Connect_Timeout) { FTP_Close(); return -1; //Timeout } else { return 1; //in the process of sending the file. } } else { FTP_Close(); return -3; //Due to another Ethernet communication reason. } } return 1; //in the process of sending the file. } else return -4; //FTP server not conneted. }